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NGC 281 re-process...


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This is a re-stacking and re-process of my capture from a few nights ago. This was a sort of exercise to see if I could process 9 X iso 800 subs (600 sec) and keep star colour and size better, as previous work with iso 800 has tended to saturate stars too quickly. A tip I picked up in another forum (image processing help and techniques) involves tweaking output levels to lessen the noise of high iso (cheers Sharkmelley!). So I have learnt that higher iso's doesn't necessarily lead to big burnt out stars, providing you take care with the processing!

So here is my latest effort, another heavy crop of a widefield image. Not perfect by any means but I have managed to keeps the stars in check in comparison to my earlier efforts... So much to learn in this terrific hobby.

iso800 good crop.png

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