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Synscan swop


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It depends on what you means by settings. If the mounts are in the same location then the latitude and longitude won't need to be changed (date and time of course will have to be reentered as normal when the mount is switched on as well as star alignment) . Other than that there shouldn't be a problem.

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You might is my opinion.

On a Meade the handset has to be told the mount so that it can select the correct gearing and so drive the mount correctly. An EQ6 is going to have a difference gearing to an EQ5 or HEQ5. It may be that the mount identifies itself to the handset and so the mount selection is unseen.

A lot will depend on the appraoch taken when the firmware was written, somewhere in the software may be "If new mount then clear all data". Doubtful but a possibility as it would prevent data from the "old" mount being used on the "new" one.

Only one way to find out, but I suggest that you be prepared with all the information.

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Using the same handset, with the latest firmware, for different mounts isn't a problem, the mount informs the handset as to what type it is (AZ or EQ3/5/6 etc) and the handset loads the correct data for that mount.  When the mount is switched off all that data is lost from the memory except current coordinates and the date (time resets to 20:00). Swapping one telescope for another will be different. You will need to remove the existing telescope and attach the new one. This telescope will need to be rebalanced so your initial star alignment will be lost.

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