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orion starseeker iv possible fault

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Hello all.

This is my first post here, so a big pre thank you for all the great advice I've already got from this site and all the great advice to come.

I received my new orion starseeker iv 150mm reflector this week. Read all the manuals, studied up and wait for a clear night. when one finally came I went outside set up and tried to star align the telescope. here's where the fault lies. where in brightest star or two star alignment mode, after I've aligned the first star the telescope sets off slewing before I've selected a second star. It will let me chose a second star after it's already slewing but then just keeps going round in circles. 

Any help much appreciated.

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1 hour ago, steveyeomans81 said:

Have been out to the car to try it. It will now only power up into update mode. So I'm guessing it's dropped the firmware somewhere along the way. 

Anyone know if a usb to serial with a ch-340 chip set should work or does it have to be prolific?.

I don't know if your usb/serial adapter will work or not, there is only one way to find out. I'm more concerned about the handset going straight into update mode. This might be due to a problem with the handset. The mount is new so you should contact the retailer for a replacement.

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