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The Last Pacman (Please!!!)


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I originally posted this under observing deep sky by mistake.  Sorry.  I revisited some old data and came up with this  little demonstration of the Pacman in Ha at different scales using  TVnp101is and C11Edge.  The 2nd and 4th images are crops of the 1st and second.  What else is one to do when it rains for days.  Looking forward to some Astrodon 3nm OIII for image #3.  Also looking forward to saying goodbye to Mr Pacman for a while.

TV Ha Standalone.Ajpg.jpg

TV Ha Standalone.jpg



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My favourites  are 2, 3, 1 then 4. I'd be really hard pressed to pick a absolute favourite from the first 3. 

Not sure why but 4 just seems a bit "over the top" to my eye but then again it could just be the fact that I'm using a not so great monitor. :wink: Still a great image but I like the first 3 better.

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