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Portable mount for long focal length AP?

Joel Shepherd

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I'm getting a little Ritchey-Chretein envy. However, I'm pretty sure that given my on-going challenges with guiding a 400mm FL APO on my Advanced VX mount -- working well enough but definitely temperamental sometimes -- that guiding a 1600mm RC is going to be a losing game.

So I'm wondering what folks would recommend for a mount that is portable (can be easily moved, set up and broken down nightly), stable enough to reliably guide a small, long-FL scope (let's say 7-9kg OTA, 1600mm FL), and not more than, say, a used car? I don't know: let's say $5000 USD, though ideally less. No $30k mounts, thanks, unless you're giving one away. Oh, and ideally easily polar-aligned without needing direct sight of Polaris which I usually can't see from our location.

I've heard of Mesu's, Avalon's, etc., but really don't have a good feel for what differentiates them. Is that where I should be looking, or elsewhere?

Thanks -- Joel.

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We do have one guest who brings a Mesu but it's for a week, not for a night. It wouldn't be my idea of fun to use it on one night stands, though it's a fabulous mount once set up.

I'd go with something from the Avalon range, too. The engineering is absolutely first class, the only words for it, and the concept is convincing. I have a Linear Fast Reverse which is extremely predictable and is a pleasure to use. I'm working mine hard with a big long refractor which has a high turning moment and so taxes the belt drive in the wind. That's the only negative, and a much shorter OTA like the RC would be far less affected. I haven't tried the Stargo versions, mine being fitted with EQ6 electronics. In terms of QC Avalon are in a totally different league from the Chinese. I think the element of pot luck does not apply when buying from Avalon and their after sales is of the very best. 

So far as I know there is no Avalon equivalent of the plethora of user groups and U-Tube videos describing How to Pull Your New Mount Apart And Rebuild It So It Works. :D


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My Avalon M Uno is portable and manages my 9.25 Edge with ease at FL 2350. The M Zero is even more portable, especially with the T-Pod and is a bit less expensive, but going above an 8" SCT would be pushing its rated capacity. And as Olly mentioned, the Linear is a proven performer. The Mesu is a beast, both in performance and in heft, so not really portable.



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