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combining Ha and OIII??

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So tomorrow my new OIII filter comes in!  I have done multiple hours of research and can find much on how to combine Ha and OIII to create a colored image. The software I use is Photoshop and deep sky stacker. will these work?  Do I have to stack the two filter separately or combine them like a normal stack?  lost of questions.. answers would be awesome :)  haha!
 I would just like short overview really, I think I could go from there.

Thanks guys! Clear Skies,


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Take your Ha subs - Stack them in DSS and create a master Ha.
Take your OIII subs - Stack them in DSS and create a master OIII
Take the 2 separate channels and merge them in Photoshop assigning them to the following channels

Red - Ha
Green - OIII
Blue - OIII

From there you will get the basis of the colour for a bi colour image.

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