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Orion Starshoot PRO, any good...?


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i have a mono CCD camera, and have thought for a while about getting a OSC also, but wanted one with a large sensor, such as the SX 25 and 26c cameras, but not wanting to pay that price.

i was told that the Sony chip used in the SX 25c and QHYL PRO, camera is one of the best OSC sensors, and a  physical chip size of 23.4 x 15.6mm and 6.1 megapixel with 7.8 micron pixels, it seemed ideal.

I have just been offered an Orion Starshoot Pro, which has the same Sony sensor as the QHY8L, and almost identical specs as the Sony chip in the SX25c camera, and wondered if anyone on here has any advice or experience with this camera, as I did not even know it existed...

I know the QHY8L has good reviews, but this would have different electronics I guess, so maybe better or worse !!



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Orion-USA had this camera a few years ago. And it seemed to be well-recieved. Here's a few reviews from users/buyers from their website then - just click-on Reviews:


I'm assuming this is the same animal you were looking at?

Hope this helps,


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