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Jupiter....success...and unidentified double star..?

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As advised, I let the scope cool for half hour tonight and was then thrilled to see north and south equitorial belts on jupiter, although the disc was still pretty white and hazy otherwise.

Got best result with 25mm eyepiece with 2x barlow fitted on my 6" celestron dob, so not sure what mag that is?

I Then left scope out back again for half hour or so and then went out to observe but was dissapointed to see the stars had dimmed considerably (probably wispy cloud overhead).

So I just did a quick scan with a 32mm eyepiece and came across a striking double star almost exactly overhead (at 12.40ish), maybe a smidgeon to the west. With the 32mm eyepiece the 2 stars were perhaps 1/10th or so of the FOV across. Because stars had dimmed considerably cos of clouds (and my night vision hadn't adjusted yet) couldn't really get my bearings.

Anybody any idea what this double could have been?


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