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Theory passes another test


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Its a fascinating theory or should I say 'proven law of the universe'. One of those things that makes the universe even more wonderous.

Did anyone hear of the cool discovery by the GPS service that their GPS satellites were being affected by Relativity. Due to the Earth's influence, they loose (or is it gain?) a few seconds in time and have to be tweaked every-so-often to counter it.


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Thanks for posting Carol, that was a fascinating read.

"Of about 1700 known pulsars, this is the only case in which two pulsars orbit around each other,"

The pair of pulsars studied with the GBT is about 1,700 light-years from Earth. The average distance between the two is only about twice the distance from the Earth to the Moon. The two orbit each other in just under two and a half hours.

I'm now going to sit back a ponder on the enorimity of the universe for 5 minutes while I have a quick break at work.


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