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Saturn's Moons


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Had a look at Saturn on Wed night. Absolutely stunning (I've not done a lot of this). Never seen the moons before, nor the Cassini Division (or is it the Huygens Gap?) in the rings. I thought I might have seen some cloud banding on the planet, but then it might have been my imagination getting carried away! I used a Celestron 9.25 SCT on a NEQ6 mount with a Hyperion-Aspheric 31mm/72o eyepiece (which gives phenomenal clarity). Increasing magnification to a 20mm eyepiece didn't give a lot more detail.

But I couldn't equate the positions of the moons with my sources (Cartes du Ciel and the very useful guide from Sky & Telescope). Here's a quick sketch from my notebook with what I assume the moons might be. But opposite Titan is another 'moon' that shouldn't be there, might it have been a faint star?

Help appreciated!

20160713 Saturn.jpg

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This is a screenprint of the satellites that should have been visible. Looks like you got Enceladus, Tethys and Titan. Surprised you did not record Dione or Rhea, as they should have been bright enough. But the object in the bottom right - I doubt that it was one of the stars there as they are all 16th mag. A puzzle!


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