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T Ring Adapter

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Hi guys,

I'm a newbie to all this, so please excuse me if what i'm asking is blantley obvious:

Does a standard T ring adapter, only work with a barlow lens?

I purchased the following 20mm lens https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0185YXFXQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and assumed i would be able to attach it to my T Ring and then use it with my scope.  I can screw it on to the adapter (if i turn it upside down), but after doing so, the lens/camera doesn't fit into my scope, because the black casing on the body is too big when attached upside down.  (sorry if this doesn't make any sense).

Is there a special type of lens that I need to buy to use with my SLR?

Does the T Ring only work - on its own and with a barlow?

Proper confused, but grateful for any advice.


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I have a t ring adapter with an extra barrel type attachment that I can put EP's into. See pic. Works ok do far for simple eyepiece projection photography. 

The top of the EP must be facing the camera, it can't be upside down or you won't see anything  

Hope this helps. 




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Thanks for posting the pics, they are a great help.


so I have the following:


a round T ring/bayonet 

i also have a barrel type attachment that screws into the T ring, but mine has 'Barlow t adapter' written on it which I think is the problem.  Only a Barlow lens fits into this rather than any of my other lenses.  


From your last picture, does the wide angle lens simply just drop into the barrel - with the EP closes to the T ring?  


Any my recommendations of where to getting from.?  I'm looking on Amazon, but everything appears to be for a barlow.

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5 minutes ago, jayem123 said:

Thanks for posting the pics, they are a great help.


so I have the following:


a round T ring/bayonet 

i also have a barrel type attachment that screws into the T ring, but mine has 'Barlow t adapter' written on it which I think is the problem.  Only a Barlow lens fits into this rather than any of my other lenses.  


From your last picture, does the wide angle lens simply just drop into the barrel - with the EP closes to the T ring?  


Any my recommendations of where to getting from.?  I'm looking on Amazon, but everything appears to be for a barlow.

Hi. This is a link to the one I got:


It has taken a bit of getting used to but basically I can use it in many ways as shown in this video which has been really useful: 

Hope this all helps. What scope do you have?

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Hope you get on ok, like I said it takes a bit of time to get your technique sorted, summer is a good time to practice. Persevere and you will get some decent pictures. I have got some that I am very proud of, nothing like the experts on here, they're simply amazing, but there's a great sense of achievement to be had from hearing friends and relatives at how great my pictures are. Here's a few I'm proud of all taken in the way described above. 










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