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Vixen SG 2.1x42 or WideBino28 ?


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 I am interested in to know if some has using this binocular model for Milky Way wide angle vistas or for huge nebulae like Barnad bucle, Nortamerica nebulae or maybe dark nebulae.. I think the WideBino28 model has threads to attach nebular filters, do not know if anyone has been able to use ...
I imagine they will need a good rural skies.
Thank you

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Hello Paul. I have the Vixen 2.1x42. The first thing you have to get used to is the relatively small apparent field of view as opposed to the very large actual field of view. It's not at all like using "normal" small binoculars and first impressions can be a little disappointing. However, once you appreciate just what you are seeing, whole constellations at a time with the impression of having bionic eyes that show objects that are usually just below naked eye visibility then their unique performance justifies their purchase.

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Another Vixen SG fan here. The Alpha Lyrae review is spot on, in my opinion. Under my light-polluted skies, I find that the SG sort-of "negates" the effects of light pollution. Another use is with a reflex finder on a scope; it can make the finder easier to use in faint star-fields.

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