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Daylight view of Jupiter 27/5/16


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Surprisingly the sky cleared early on yesterday evening, and so in desperation i set the scope up, searched the sky with binoculars in search of Jupiter, and managed to get a reasonable view of Jupiter and the GRS. Though the image was low contrast it was still a pleasing view.


2016-05-28 12.31.30.jpg

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Very nice sketch Mike. As I had my scope set up all day for solar observing, I had a crack at Jupiter when it appeared in the early evening. I was surprised at how much could be seen. As you say low contrast, but still visible. I am also glad to say that the amateurish sketches I made match yours quite well in detail, but not anywhere near as good.

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1 hour ago, laudropb said:

Very nice sketch Mike. As I had my scope set up all day for solar observing, I had a crack at Jupiter when it appeared in the early evening. I was surprised at how much could be seen. As you say low contrast, but still visible. I am also glad to say that the amateurish sketches I made match yours quite well in detail, but not anywhere near as good.

That's brilliant! I'm glad you were able to get a good view of Jupiter. I'm sure your sketches are fine and worthy of posting. It doesn't matter if they are, as you say "amateurish",  as the only thing that matters is that they be a truthful representation of what you saw. Everyone has a different drawing style anyway so carry on regardless. Last night (29th May) I had an absoloutly incredible view of Jupiter. Truthfully, it was as if I were looking at the planet from a spaceship window only a few hundred miles away. I made a sketch but the detail I recorded was in no way the equal of what was in the eyepiece. Over the years ive churned out some junk in the way of sketches, yet ive kept them all. Some of my earliest drawings were made using crayola crayons. They are laughable to look at now but at the time they meant something to me, and still do in fact. My notes acompanying one early sketch of Jupiter simply states "Not much detail visible but the colours red, green and blue were very evident," or something along those lines. Useless but honest! Oh how I miss those cheap Huygens eyepieces! :icon_puke_r:

Here's last nights sketch of jupiter just for you. :icon_biggrin:


2016-05-30 11.52.25.jpg

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Thanks for the advice Mike. I will pluck up the courage and post some of my notes. As you say, a observation notebook is a great resource to look over and bring back memories of times past. Having worked in a laboratory for more than 40 years it comes natural to me to keep notes, however brief and crude they may be and sketching at the eyepiece certainly increases your observational skills.

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