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Mars, toilet in the way

alan potts

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20 hours ago, chiltonstar said:

Mars was reasonably decent at times here last night, although the heat plume from a house gave it the shimmers for 90% of the time. Still, the N ice cap was clearly visible, with some surface detail, even on the boring side! Saturn was nice though - the clearest and sharpest I've seen Cassini with my new scope, even though there was a haze which dulled colours and made Saturn a kind of khaki orange rather than the normal cream. Seeing well above the horizon was good to excellent however, with doubles like Delta Cygni very nicely split.



I don't know whether that says a lot for the new scope, which is it out of interest, or if it was the conditions. As I am sure you see from England Saturn is very low in the sky and that rarely is good for any target, both are not that brilliant from here and I am yet to get on them for one reason or another. As I said in the report Mars was a lovely colour by eye rising but that was purely atmostphere, absolutely steady though. I do wonder if I had got a scope onto it this low though if the same could be reported, I think not.


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22 hours ago, chiltonstar said:

Mars was reasonably decent at times here last night, although the heat plume from a house gave it the shimmers for 90% of the time. Still, the N ice cap was clearly visible, with some surface detail, even on the boring side! Saturn was nice though - the clearest and sharpest I've seen Cassini with my new scope, even though there was a haze which dulled colours and made Saturn a kind of khaki orange rather than the normal cream. Seeing well above the horizon was good to excellent however, with doubles like Delta Cygni very nicely split.


Nice One Chris!

A steady seeing is all what is needed for these targets and I am glad that you got a lovely view of Saturn too! The rings are oriented nicely in these years and this can reveal outstanding views of the Cassini division. Last Saturday I observed it with my 200mm under steady conditions and it was as clear as in a textbook. A memory which won't be lost! 

Cheers, Piero

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