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Hello and thanks already!


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5 hours ago, Linda said:

Welcome to the lounge.

At least you have been able to make a well funded choice, based on reading information. That is well done, because there is so much to choose from that it is not easy.

When it comes to planets, I currently find Jupiter the most spectacular, because it is high in the sky and I have been able to see most details on it. Mars and Saturn are lower above the horizon and then there is more disturbing atmosphere between the planet and your telescope. So they don't show equally much detail at the moment (in north europe, that is). But Saturn can still be easily recognized with it's bright ring. Mars is a bit fuzzy and I have understood that that always it the case.

My biggest problem right now is my son's up at 3am trying to find Saturn....happy days... :)

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22 hours ago, Dave In Vermont said:

Greetings & welcome aboard SGL, D!

Always happy to entertain all questions in this forum. Mars should be closest and largest soon - May, 22nd.

Clear and dark skies,


Yeah I heard, can't wait.

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13 hours ago, swag72 said:

Hi and welcome to SGL. Sounds like you're having a great time :D

Look forward to seeing you around :)

Wow, just checked out your website...breath-taking astrophotography! :icon_salut:

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Welcome to the forum!!

As you, I'm relatively new here...but...how great impact has been to be part of this group....The entusiasm, the knowledge....but above all, the magic of sharing the wonderfull oportunity of looking up above your head and to understand ....your place in the cosmos. This...lets you drop your problems behind your...and lets you fly high above


Enjoy the journey !



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