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Direct pc or Synscan pro`s con`s?


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Hi Guys

I think this is relevant for the software section!.

I have been using my eqmod serial to usb connection for over 5 yrs now to control my EQ6 but lately I`ve been having a lot of usb problems (since upgrading to win 10 funnily enough!).

Now I need 4 usb sockets (EQ6 mount,Atik ccd,Lodestar ccd and control pad) and my obs laptop only has 3 and I`ve tried no end of powered/unpowered usb hubs to enable the additional usb, things working fine one minute then not the next for no reason etc.

I was thinking of using an extra laptop as the direct usb connections seem to work fine but today I had an idea which I`d be interested to know the pro`s and con`s of using.

I`ve never used my Synscan handset which came with the mount over 5yrs ago so today I upgraded its firmware to v3.7 and connected the mount up via the Synscan handset and my plan is to use Cdc to point and control the mount and use the Synscan for tweaking the mount to get the chosen star in the FOV which after testing during sunlight it all seems to work.

I have the EQ6 connected to the laptop via the Synscan and with a serial to usb lead, the Atik 314 is connected as is the Lodestar and all just using the three direct usb connections of the laptop.

I`m not quite sure how Ascom features in this setup now but I seem to be able to select the EQ6 mount when connecting the mount in Cdc using its Ascom settings so can I use/save synch points for instance like I could before ? any other plus`s/minus`s I should be aware of please?.




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Putting the Synscan into PC direct mode, by-passes all the control features of the Synscan, so all you are doing is introducing another device in the control chain that can go wrong....

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