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Tjis image of m63 (certainly seen better on this site) was taken over a couple of nights. 60 mins worth of 2 minute lights unguided   using a 8"SCT with focal reducer, With a canon 450d DSLR camera . 

Then stacked using DSS then further processed using gimp

Any suggestions for big improvement would be appreciated. Especially how to make it look smoother

Thanks for looking :smile:




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Another Messier checked. Nice.

The quality of the image suggests that despite the large number of 2 minute subs, you are dealing with underexposure. The banding you have also indicates this. Maybe time to try autoguiding again to get longer subs.

Good luck

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Yep another one checked. Of course you are right about taking the autoguider plunge. At the moment saving for guide camera and laptop. There is nothing more frustrating the spending an hour on a object then few subs are stacked!:hmh: 

Not sure what is ment by banding? 




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By banding I mean the horizontal dark stripes in your image.

BTW, now that galaxy season is nearing it's end and the Milky way is coming into view, you might consider doing wide field. You will find it much easier to take long unguided subs, and many interesting targets only require a longer focal length lens (from 100+ mm). I've seen really good images of Andromeda taken with a 200 mm lens. Just a thought...

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Not just the number of stars to help stacking. When you do wide field you have a shorter focal length, and polar alignment is less critical. This will allow you to take longer exposures per light frame. You can then also image at a lower ISO setting, which will give you light frames with less noise.

Brighter images with less noise are much easier to process.

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Good luck with that. My imaging this season is over. "Up here" the skies are just to bright for AP until mid/end of August. Only Jupiter is bright enough at the moment.

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Thats a good excuse to have a observatory in the mediterrianian! :smile:

Just stacked a few lights of m104 from yesterday. Looks like my issue could be focus, as only 1 stacked from the other day and 7/9 today!

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8 hours ago, gonzostar said:

Thats a good excuse to have a observatory in the mediterrianian! :smile:

Just stacked a few lights of m104 from yesterday. Looks like my issue could be focus, as only 1 stacked from the other day and 7/9 today!

I only wish ...

I will save for a better mount in stead.

As for focus: don't rely on your eyesight, even if it is good. A Bahtinov is a cheap investment with huge return.

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