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A little bit of late afternoon solar - 30th April


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Having been up until 3am this morning, I missed the morning sun which was a shame. It cleared later this afternoon though, and I've been having some nice, low power views.

The seeing is not particularly great, but keeping the power down has allowed me to see nice detail in the spots, some faculae around the active areas and also the macro granulation coming and going. Seeing the full disk against the black background sets everything in nice context too.

On that subject, I like the view through the 50mm finder too, not sure why, but I can see the sunlit clouds surrounding it which again makes for a lovely view. Only the largest spot visible in this one though.

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We don't do solar here on 30/4:icon_biggrin:, simply because it's mostly rainy or cloudy, while worker's day is sunny, no exception this year:smiley:

Taking out both PST and 120ED for solar, lack of  prominence lead to spending most time in white light.

6 sunspots and numerous pores are really a treat for white light, binoviewing in 99x and 138x, seeing coming and going all the time. Higher mag seems work quite well. In the moments of good seeing, small pores just jump out! With faculae and granulations coming and going too.:smiley:

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