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New to Mars?


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You may be aware that Mars is coming up to opposition on 22 May and will be gradually increasing in size up to that date. To give you an idea it is slightly smaller than the disc of Saturn at the moment and will end up at approx the same size. One day on Mars is close to one on Earth so the surface features change slowly when it is observed at the same time each day. The good news is that the prominent Syrtis Major dark feature will be roughly in the centre of the disc around the middle of May when viewed in the early hours. So, if perhaps you have never seen detail on Mars, the next few weeks offers the best opportunity to do so for some time even though it is still relatively low in the south. The bad news is that, at present, you to stay up late/get up early to see it although it will soon be rising before midnight. 

Clear skies and happy hunting


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