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Celestron travel scope 70

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9 minutes ago, britto765 said:

Would it make the planets and other things clearer to view and Is there a lot of differents between a 45 degree and a 90 degree? 

Depending on what diagonal you bought you may get a slightly better view, but it won't be anything earth shatteringly. A 90 degree diagonal is normally used for astronomy because the angle of it is easier to view through than a 45 degree one, which is better if you want to view terrestrial views in the daytime, as normally you keep the scope pretty horizontal, whereas for astronomy you could be viewing objects close to the zenith at 90 degrees upwards, hence the 90 degree diagonal is then much easier to see through with your EP. 


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The only difference between the 45o and 90o (assuming similar quality diagonals) is that terrestrial viewing by day is easier with the former, and celestial viewing by night is easier with the latter. During the day you have a lot of light so clarity is pretty well assured - but by night the darkness is your friend and light pollution will affect clarity.

You also have to judge seeing conditions by night, clarity, transparency, atmosphere thickness, height of object, dark adaption, etc all affect your view. But the actual angle (of the diagonal) makes little difference. Hth :)

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