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I need some help to photograph M79

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Hi, can I get some advice to photograph the M79 globular cluster. I live in a urban area where the highest magnitude visible naked eyed is 2.5_3.the equipment I use is a 10"astrograph skywatcher eq6 and a cannon 700d. I also have a sky glow filter 


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Work out when it will be highest in the sky from your location and when that coincides with the darkest time of night. When you have your time window, then take a series of different exposure lengths up to about 5 mins (so 60, 90, 120, 200, 300 secs) and see which gives the best results. Once decided, take lots and lots of exposures at that duration. Happy hunting.

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Yup, that's about it! (Unless you can get to a dark site or a sky party...)

A Bahtinov mask would be a big help for focusing and this is both very critical and very tricky without a B mask. They are availble from FLO, the sponsor of this site.


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Unfortunately as I'm 15 degrees above the equator it mostly never comes up that much. Me and my friends have been clicking messier objects to make up our own chart of images but they took the nebula and galaxies I'm left with globular our last star party I managed to capture decent images of M13, M80 and M3 and omega centauri 

Thankyou for the info guys ☺


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do they have to be Messier objects? Otherwise you can have a look at the NGC list. There are numerous globular clusters in the southern Hemisphere. Also M4, M62, M68.

When Messier collected 'his' objects, he was doing it from France. Therefore there are so few M objects south of the equator. If you are not restricted to "just" Messiers, then the above applies.

Just a thought.

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45 minutes ago, Astroboy239 said:

  Nope we are not just messier. We are planning to do Ghost of Jupiter on next month if there are no clouds as may is the cloudy month here.  


It probably is here as well.

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