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Looks like it may be clear tonight. :sunny:

I’m hoping to give my 80ED a proper try out.

Bearing in mind I only have clear views to the North and East (and a sliver to the south west)

Can anyone recommend some targets to put it through its paces?



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Summer is kinda a problem in England at the moment, doesn't get dark at all, the sky has a faint kind of blue haze to it and also the moon is very bright from late afternoon to about midnight.

Galaxies with even my 8inch newtonian are problematic, M57 is okay though as is M27, but M27 resides lower in the sky so if you have hedges or fences in the way to your east then you may not get it.

I would go for M13 personally, if you can get that go for its smaller constellation companion of M92, both visually interesting.

Roll on winter!

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A scout around Cassiopeia should show up a few nice opens - the Owl, M103....

M29 is a so-so just inside Cygnus' cross to the left).

While you're in the 2x2x and M57 area, try the double Albireo at the end of the Cygnus cross.

Lastly, M81 and M82 should be within the capabilities the 80mm - could be a little tricky.


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