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LRGB M81 & M2


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Hi All,

last image for the night. My first stab at imaging galaxies.  M81 & M2 take on 102mm doublet @ F5.6  (571mm FL).  Image is LRGB,   L = 10x 600s,  RGB = 10x 300s and camera is a QSI 683.

The image is a little heavy on the red/pink side of things as i had scrap a few of the Green and Blue subs due to clouds, planes and everything else that decided to photo-bomb the image that night, lol.






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Yes, well on your way. You can fix the colour balance in various ways. The easiest is in Pixinsight with DBE. Or, in Ps, you can look at the histogram in Levels and try to align the top left of the pedestal in each colour.


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Olly is absolutely correct - less than 2 minutes in PS produces the version of your image below. All I did was neutralise the background and a bit of sharpening using a high pass filtered layer with a star mask.

With a bit more work I am sure you could improve it further




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