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Slippy Washers


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I just noticed that a strip mount strip down  had resurfaced, this got me thinking about washers that had NOT been replaced.

Over many projects a great source of "super slippy" washers has been.......Oven Liners.

These silicon/carbon sheets are cheap as the chips they are sold to have cooked on them.

Use the ones that look like carbon fibre, a completely smooth sheet. (not the mesh ones)

they make amazing ALMOST frictionless washers.  Larger diameters can be cut with a craft/Stanley knife, smaller you may have to make a cintered cuter for.


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Hi Gina, your knowledge and engineering skills are way beyond mine, (and mucho respect on your builds) but I'd be very surprised if we weren't a light year apart on this stuff.  Good thing about it is it costs £1 for a sheet, from the shop where everything cost £1. It also makes great masks cos s?d all will stick to it.


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