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Hi, just finally checking in again...


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1 hour ago, Dave In Vermont said:

Click on your name, then Profile. Look for the Edit Profile on the right. You'll find many things you can edit - including Signature. That should take care of it. When done - click on Save, or whatever it says these days. The forum just underwent a major update, so please bear with me here! :D

As for the rest - we all learn from each other here. So have no fear of being new. Unlike many forums I know of, we are quite nice and open - with no 'trolling' or 'flame-wars' which many have encountered out on the web. And we love questions and helping to find answers - in all the myriad realms that is 'astronomy.'



Thanks Dave. I checked, but nothing pertaining to signature yet. Maybe I don't have enough posts to have earned that. :happy8: ??

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