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Tak FSQ 85 Offset Plate compatible losmandy DUP


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Hi everyone, damn the site redesign looks awesome. Ok on to my question. Thanks in advance.

I am trying to find a good losmandy DUP that fits my tak 85 offsetplate. I know alot of d plates will work with the 6mm screws down the middle, but I was wondering if anyone had any luck finding a plate with larger 8mm threads  to usewith the tak provided bolts(They say NBI 12.9 on them) .  I cant find anything but the special tak recess plates, but I would like to to use the offset plate and bolts since I have them already. I have seen some pictures around on the internet of people who have used the larger holes of the offset.  I also read that there are some plates that will work but you have to use a different version of the 8mm bolts I have. (Any one know specifics?) I had to return one plate already and I am starting to think I should save myself the hassle and get the 11 inch tak plate that uses the clam shell recess and just sell the offset plate.  I do worry about clearance for the focuser and balancing but at this point I just need to figure this out and be done with it because I am itching for first light. Which is still a way away. Thanks again!

I attached an image of a picture I found which shows the offset plate on a dovetail but no screws.


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From memory I just used a couple of bolts capable of passing through both the Losmandy and the Tak offset foot and used washers on the top side to make sure they held fast. The bolts went through from below. If you're into neatness then you might not like that but I'm just into getting on with it!


I hope you enjoy the scope. I absolutely loved mine and only sold it because it wouldn't cover a full format chip. I now have a 106 but for smaller chips the Baby Q is gorgeous.


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You wouldnt believe how hard it was to find any specs on dovetail bolts and spacing. This hobby is insane with all the adapters and strangely absent specifications. Still loving it though.The offset plate does have 6mm threads which seems to be the standard with dovetails but I went all "I must protect this tak with my life" crazy and questioned the 6mm. I managed to find and order a williams optics red dovetail that seems to have a good bolt pattern with 8mm. The mechanical drawing seemed to measure up with the spacing for the 8mm. High point scientific semi confirmed it would work. If this doesnt work I will just ditch the offset and get the tak recessed plate. I need to get out there!


Thank you for the input nudoc. And Olly, I wont lie to you, I am kinda giggling like a school girl talking to you because I have been reading these forums for 2 years and would always hope you would jump in with your input on things I read. Truth be told I got the tak because of your high praise of it. I still have no idea what I am doing but I knew  once the bonus came this year I had to have it! As a complete beginner, all I have to do is see one of your pics to keep me motivated.  Ok  ok I will stop gushing now. But thank you for the bolt configuration. I felt too embarrassed to ask around how to properly secure it all together. I was told by a retailer that you dont need washers and fastners which left me wondering how the hell it stays together. Common sense seems to be the best answer.


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'My' scope is still hard at in the more than capable hands of Sara Wager. http://swagastro.weebly.com/ That should keep the inspiration going!

As for security, sure, play safe but you won't break a 6mm bolt, let alone two of them! A more pressing danger arises from any dovetail plate slipping through the saddle plate. Be sure to have 'end stopping' bolts in the dovetail at both ends to stop this from happening. This is a classic accident.


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