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Intergalactic Planetary...


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Sorry for the cheesy hip hop title.

Two sketches. My first "art" in since..., so please be nice. I'm posting in case of of interest, or of enjoyment, but also for any comments and critique so I can learn something myself.

Both sketched at the kitchen table from memory. White paper, and my kids Crayola pens and coloured pencils. Framed, mono'd and brightened/darkened using the standard iOS photo app. Would be nice if anyone knew as easy way of inverting them!

Both are a summary of my impressions, getting the most I could from a 10" reflector, using various eyepieces and filters, from my back yard near the edge of town. No pre-knowledge of either target prior to my observation, beyond the object type.

The Intergalactic Wanderer, globular cluster in Lynx. The bright stars and nebulous patch are as accurate as I can. The scattering of (foreground?) faint stars around the target is an impression.


The NGC 2371 planetary nebula in Gemini. The impression of two lobes was subtle. The impression of a brighter spot off centre in one of the lobes was more subtle still. It came and went.


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