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16 Psyche specifically (an asteroid currently lurking in Taurus at mag 9.6). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16_Psyche

Easy to get within shooting distance (starting at Aldebaran), but I found it a bit trickier from there. The skies in that direction were a bit washed out tonight, with cloud coming and going. After getting lost a couple of times, I went rather indirectly from Aldebaran along to the NGC1647 open cluster, and down from there via i Tau (mag 5.1) to the asteroid.

Highly recommended for connoisseurs of small dim grey dots. Utterly amazing that you can go asteroid bagging while popping in and out of the house to sort out dinner though.

Spotted a few nice bits and bobs on the moon too, including Rima Ariadaeus and some nice features in the Julius Caesar crater region, but the view was rather wobbly (at 120x), with cloud coming and going. The moon never ceases to amaze even when the conditions are rubbish.

A brief, funny sort of session overall. Glad of any gaps in the cloud right now, however brief.

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