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Etx 70 sun warning

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I know that I am going to be called but I will plead ignorance.

I have decided to take this up as a hobby and ike everyone else I looked everywhere and finally decided to get a etx70, all good up to now.

Found one on eBay, bought it, collected it, controller lit up, man said he didn't know how to use it, got home all excited.

Got a new battery and turned it on, I got the startup screen about the sun

Warning, pressed the speed key to get passed it and nothing happened.

I seem to be stuck on the startup screen,

Beginning to feel I have bought a bad one.

All help appreciated


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many thanks for responding

i have seen the video that you have posted before (many thanks though).

it skips past my problem.

after you turn it on, you get the "don't point it at the sun " message and then your 

supposed to press the speed key to clear it and then you can move on

with the set up.

nothing happens when i press the speed key.

i can't progress with the set up

once again thanks in advance


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Speed key is/should do it.

Will ask did you press and release or press-hold-release?

I find on mine that "press" means something like "press and hold for half a second".

As the 70 is somewhat old now so will the handset be, I guess you may find the little rubber keys are a bit tempremental.

Only thought there is to sit for a while and press each button in turn several times and hopefully the contact may improve.

Think that people have taken the handset apart and cleaned but I would not suggest trying.

I have found mine has a habit of not starting correct, and that a power off at the switch then back on cures that. However yours is displaying something sensible so I doubt that is the cause. On mine it almost looks like a race condition between the software and a capacitor charging for want of a better description, as in the software is up and running before all the electrics are available - odd thing but easily sorted thankfully.

The last option is a replacement handset, actually not too bad as they occasionally appear on Astroboot for £25.

Just looked and not one there at present.


What "battery" are you using ?

Just did not expect the term "battery".

Just check that the contacts are clean, just a thought that one may not be be making suitable contact to pass the signal through, but the handset seems to be OK as you get the startup stage.

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funny thing is the handset looks nearly new.

i have tried quick presses and holding  them down longer.

none seem to work.

it lights up, sends a sun message and won't let me do anything.

i should have learnt more before buying,

never second hand again

battery is 9v pp3

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I would get back to the guy you bought it from. If he said that it works in the description and it doesn't then you should get your money back.

I just did a quick google on your problem and found somebody in the same position. He took the batteries out, checked all the leads and plugged them all back in, put the batteries back and it worked fine. he must have had a poor connection somewhere. Worth a try?

Another possibility is maybe corrupted software? Could you try to download an updated firmware? Just a suggestion.

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i have tried getting back to the owner, no response yet

would have to buy the pc lead 

thats another £40

already £115 down, don't fancy wasting more.

will try stripping the handset before calling it a day.

thanks all for your help

merry christmas


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I have a feeling a 9v pp3 is not up to it.

Think I tried it once and it was best described as a miserable failure. :grin: :grin: :grin:

But ya have just got to give it a go. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

As I recall it came to life then if I pressed anything the display dimmed and nothing happened.

The scope should have a battery pack/holder, holds six 1.5v AA batteries.

If the battery holder is lost then you can get one from Maplins, cost between £1:50 and £2:00, maybe less.

I "sneakily" bought an 8 battery holder so I could drop rechargeables into it, then stick the holder on the base. No idea if it works as decided 8 rechareables was too much trouble. Do not drop 6 rechargeable AA's into the normal 6 battery holder as that is 7.2 volts not 9 volts.

Then run off to Poundland and get a pack of 6 high power AA batteries - do not use the cheaper pack of 10/12 AA's (Red and Black things), they do not have the power to last for more then about 20 minutes and even then they can play up.

I suspect that this is the cause.

At least you have an idea that it runs.

The handset cannot be updated, it is a #494.

Makes life "easy", you cannot update anything. :grin: :grin:

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Without the plastic battery holder it would appear that a PP3 is what is plugged in then dropped into the hole.

Unfortunately it isn't.

I tried one some time back hoping that it would run the scope for 20-30 minutes, it didn't do much other then allow the handset to light up. My idea was if it did then I could take scope and  PP3 to a darkish site and have 20 to 30 minutes quick look then either plug another in or head home.

If it works with six AA'a then let me know, I built a small connector converter that allows me to use the scope at home from mains via a variable dc supply from Maplins. Easy to make and very useful. You still need one of their mains dc supplies.

Also Maplins sell a car plug in converter item so the scope can be run from the car, which having a nice big battery is useful. I have a 12v supply in the boot of the car so boot up, plug in, set up scope and the assorted bits I need sit in a box in the rear of the car. Very convenient and easy.

Glad you said "battery" as that was the bit I noticed.

Not sure about Duracells, they are good but these scopes are tempermental about power, and Duracells will drop, I like the £1 high power six packs from Poundland as I get a pack, put them in and when the scope plays up that is the end of them. My thought is you could get Duracells and they last the first night for say an hour and a half or two hours, then the next night they expire after 30 minutes. It is in a way safer to drop a new set in at each use, you at least know they are new and so how long they should last.

One last bit: On the ETX-70 the Sun does not exist in any form at all, there is no Sun object and no Solar rate. As far as an ETX-70 knows there is no Sun. Meade took no chance that anyone could decide to just have a quick look. Makes putting a solar filter on and having a look is a little long winded.

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The telescope is being returned tomorrow,

It has a faulty hand set I think. Opened it and gave it a clean and it

Started to work on its own,

Thinking of ordering a sky watcher 130m tomorrow,

Let me know if I shouldn't

No more second hand ones until I know what I'm doing

All your comments have been appreciated

Many thanks


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