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Hello from north Essex; Evo 8 ordered....


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Well a big thank you to everyone for the very warm words of welcome on here.  Good to see a few semi-locals too. 

We had a good couple of hours over at Tring Astronomy centre on Saturday browsing all the telescopes on display.  My poor dad was pretty envious as things seemed to have come on leaps and bounds since he got his scope and mount a good few years ago.   That said, I stuck with my decision and got the Evolution 8. And a few various sundry extras :)

Got home, and as some of you predicted, couldn't resist opening it, but after the second inner box, I was then confronted with all the individual component boxes nicely sealed. Called it quits at that point, re-sealed it, and safely tucked it away in the garage for a month.  Contended myself reading the manual a couple of times. :)

I can see whatever area I branch into there's a forum for it on this site; partner is heavily in photography and we were experimenting with night time desert sky photography in the Arches National Park near Moab in Utah just 2 months ago with his Canon 5d; amazing photos just with the 5D lens, so it will be great to slowly get started on imaging too at a later stage.  One step at a time :)

So, thanks again guys.

Speak soon


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