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Imaging the North American Nebula


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Doing an imaging session since it's finally clear! Never had any luck with the NA nebula so would love any advice you can give me on getting a good image, I plan on stacking but I'm not sure what setting to use.

I've got Canon 60Da and Nexstar Evolution 9.25'

No wedge just the standard tracking.


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You might have your work cut out with a 9.25, its a long focal length and a slow focal ratio (a reducer will help). Also, your FOV will not be big, so with NGC7000 its probably best to concentrate on the part of it that some call "the wall", as the rest of it is fairly featureless in comparison:


Get as many subs as you can, and use sigma clipping for stacking. Also, dont forget to properly calibrate your images with flats, darks and bias.

PS: Dont expect results similar to the above, that was shot with a fast telescope, a CCD, narrowband filters, and long subs. Yours will be more on the "red" side - assuming your camera is modded.... if it isnt, then its going to be a tough old slog as unmodded cams block most of the Ha.

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