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Lightweight Quality Zoom???


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An alternative to the (very expensive) Leica Vario Asph zoom mentioned earlier is the Swarovski 25-50x W which covers pretty much the same range, is lighter and less expensive (roughly 2/3rds the price of the Leica).  I bought a 2" adapter from APM and use this eyepiece a lot in my refractors - performs brilliantly.

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An alternative to the (very expensive) Leica Vario Asph zoom mentioned earlier is the Swarovski 25-50x W which covers pretty much the same range, is lighter and less expensive (roughly 2/3rds the price of the Leica).  I bought a 2" adapter from APM and use this eyepiece a lot in my refractors - performs brilliantly.

Alma the Leica I have is not the Asph and costs approx  £320 including the 1.25" adapter, the main body is also a very handy 2" diameter :laugh:

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While high-cost zooms seems to be what this thread has gone towards, I'll just add a plug for the Seben 8 - 24mm. There was/is a thread about these and the people agreed, those who have or had one, that it does the job very nicely, is perfect for a grab & go telescope, and is quite lightweight and affordable. Much more so than Baader, Pentax, etc. entries.

I'm playing Devil's Advocate here. Do carry on! :evil:


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