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Successful test of 66mm for EAA/VA


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Had a good initial outing with my WO Zenithstar  66mm + 0.63 reducer + Lodestar mono at around F3.9. I'm hoping to use this for Ha and I hope will provide better results than the 60mm finder guider (which wasn't actually that bad!).

I really enjoyed the session even though it was just a test, as the scope was so easy to use. Alignment was quick - I didn't need a finder to get the alignment stars in the FOV as the field was so wide. When using Goto the object was always bang in the middle of the frame, again due to the wide FOV.

It was great to see M31 and its satellites and dark lanes appear after just 5 secs.  :)

Anyway results below.

M31 and companions:


NGC7331 with Stephan's Quintet towards the bottom left corner, there are at least 17 galaxies in this capture:


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