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M 30 - NGC 7099 - Globular Cluster


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Constellation of Capricornus, distant from 27,100 light years with 93 light years across. Aged around 12.93 billion of years. A retrograde orbit suggest that it was acquired from a satellite galaxy .

GSO 305 mm - Canon T3 - 7 x 2 min (14 min) - ISO 800 - OAG - Skyglow filter - Coma corrector



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it was too small

Small ?! With 93 light years across !? ... Thank you Matt ... my comment was a kidding ! My 305 mm GSO has a very good resolution, around 0.65 arcsecond per pixel. If I can register small DSOs .... in other way I can not register large DSOs. I haven't field of view to them.

As I use DSLR, and my GSO is newtonian reflector .... I can not use reducer. I don't get focus with it. Because this I do many stars cluster and  small DSOs.

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