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Stellarium 'Meteor Showers' Plugin


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Hi there, I have a Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit PC with Stellarium 0.13.3 installed.

The meteor showers in Stellarium showed only generic and not real data.

I tried updating it by the 'Plugins' section in the 'Configurations' window but it didn't work. Apparently the downloading bar starts at 0% and the the bar disappears, I'm guessing the download failed.

My internet is fast enough, in an hour I can download an 100–150 MB file

Any suggestions to fix my problem?  :confused:

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........ try to download again. here is the format, sometimes saving the settings works for me!

Enabling Meteor Showers plugin

Open the configuration window (F2)
Click on the plugins tab
Select the Meteor Showers plugin on the list
Enable the option "Load at startup"
Go back to the Main configuration page, select save settings.
Then restart Stellarium, see if that works. It could be an issue with the latest version, I'm still using 0.13.1
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Found the file responsible for the display of meteor showers in Stellarium.

It's size is about 31 KB. Is it supposed to be that size? I've checked the file (using notepad) and found out there was no data for the year 2015.

Perhaps Stellarium itself isn't providing data for this year?

I'm thinking that maybe someone can upload the recently updated file for me here (if the file isn't large)

Path to the file : C:\Users\(Your user's name)\AppData\Roaming\Stellarium\modules\MeteorShowers\showers.json

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I suggest that for Stellarium questions, bugs, ideas, and other support issues, try the following link:


It's the Stellarium questions & answers site itself.

And the overview of Stellarium can be found here:


And for anyone looking for their free copy:


Enjoy the freedom -


Addendun: Looks like 0.14.0 is to be released at the end of the month as a final-version (subject to revision of course) of the current beta (I'm running it - very nice). I'm sure they'd appreciate all bugs being reported soon.

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Okay, so here's what they replied. It pretty much cleared all my worry about my problem, which seems to only affect me. *Sighs in relief*  :cool:


Firstly, thanks for your report!
> The meteor showers in Stellarium showed only generic and not real data.
Maybe we just don't have real data for the date that you were in Stellarium...
The latest catalog of meteor showers can be found here:
As you will see, we actually do not have too much data for 2015 as we have for 2014, 2013, 2012...
Most part of our data comes from IMO catalog (imo.net). We have a script to copy automatically the data from IMO catalogs in HTML format. The problem is that since the catalog of 2015, IMO is no longer publishing the catalogs in HTML format (only in pdf).
I'm going to see what I could do to sort it out, and copy the data from PDF files as well.
Otherwise, we would have to add each of them manually.
> I tried updating it by the 'Plugins' section in the 'Configurations' window but it didn't work.
> Apparently the downloading bar starts at 0% and the the bar disappears, I'm guessing the download failed.
> My internet is fast enough, in an hour I can download an 100–150 MB file.
As you saw, the JSON file is very light, that's the reason why the downloading bar disappeared so fast.

Another person also said that it's being taken care of in the current beta version of Stellarium, and hopefully will not be a problem in stellarium 0.14.0.

Glad to know everything is going on well.  :smiley:

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