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Timelapse video of the Eclipse

Stub Mandrel

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After making the system grind to a halt by embedding a large image of pluto, I apologies if this goes wrong too. I have warned the mods I'm attempting this though, and I have compressed this video down for over 2Gb uncompressed to less than 8Mb (!) Naturally the quality has suffered a bit, but please take a look. Processed entirely in PIPP, this is from before the start to totality, sped up about 300 times (i.e. 30 second intervals become 10 fps).

It shouldn't be too bad to download on most connections as it is about 7.5Mb

Eclipse three

<edit> it seems to work, but it seems to pause for a bit on a grey square.

<edit> I've remade the file, hopefully it will not pause on a grey square now

<edit, humph TWO GREY SQUARES. This is my final attempt.

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