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Fotga 650nm Infra-Red pass filter


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Anyone tried one of these?

They do others at 720 and 950nm but I've just bought the 650nm one as it 'just' includes the H-Alpha emission at 656nm

What's more they're cheap (at £12 for a 77mm filter) it has to be worth a try...

Apparently they slow on delivery - once mine arrives I'll put it to the test!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Fotga 650nm filter arrived today - sunny so good time to try an IR filter all be it at the visual end. Looks very dark red visually, not brilliant construction air patches around the edge on one side so gives the impression its a gel filter sandwich - not sure though don't quote that bit.

Photos: First impression is one of "I've got better results shooting through double glazing" (and I have!).

Soft in a word, I used my Monotec modified D5100 for the test fitted with a Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 G series lens. I tried manual focus using liveview at high mag, I tried switching to auto focus and selected the best along with its mated unfiltered image.

Everything is there in both frames but I don't think it would resolve a star field.

I think I'll take the glass out and replace it with my Wratten 87A gel filter (that works!)

Get what you pay for.....


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Hi Peter - What sort of results have you got from those filters?

Further test just in case it was something to do with the camera mod (no chance) I shot same area with a Nikon D800E with and without the filter (filtered image has been greyscaled otherwise it looks like a Martian landscape!

Interested to see what IR filters others are using - wont be buying the other IR filters from Fotga based on this one. Hopefully I just got a bad one...


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I didn't fancy paying genuine R72 prices and the Zomei's are very well made...

I will do more IR with the full spectrum 7D as it's a lot easier to use  with functinal AF and a lieview image plus metering works quite well once you know how muxh EC to dialin. The old full spectrum 350D was hard work in comparison...


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Final test image for me on this - I swapped the IR glass element from the Fotga filter ring and replaced it with a Wratten 87 gel cut to fit.

Nikon Monotec modified D5100, Nikkor 70-200 at 200mm iso 1600 1/2000th sec.

Quick greyscale and levels in PS.


Thanks for your help Peter and the links. Looks like a Zoemi is the best budget option.

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