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You saw the crescent, I saw the whole of the... erm , no


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The Crescent Nebula in narrowband, red [Ha], green [(0.3*Ha)+OIII], blue [OIII] from 20m subs (several hours)

William Optics Megrez 80, reduced 0.8x and an Atik 314+, dithered and drizzled.

The odd framing is down to a flip error, the Crescent should have occupied the bottom left corner. It did in the first two subs but not in the following twelve and I just carried on from then on. Any comments and recommendations/opinions/tips are highly welcome, particularly with regards to my ham fisted processing.


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Wonderful. This is the kind of image I hope to take one day.

Which filters are you using by the way?

Thank you for the kind comment. I only used the Ha and OIII filters for the red and blue channels and then blended the two for a synthetic green.

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