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Appetizing mask

The Warthog

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OK, OK, it's an apodizing mask. I dont' know why it is so called. Its purpose is to remove the diffraction spikes caused by your spider. I dont' know how it works, either, but I pulled the window screen out of my back door today, and made one. (We're replacing the back door this winter, and we won't have a screen door with the new door in place.) Actually, I don't think you have screen doors in England, do you?

You can get an explanation of how to build one at this site, among many others: http://www.csastro.org/gallery/article4.htm

Below are pictures of the screens, and the completed mask. I suspect the measurements are less critical than they look, but it appears I cut the middle screen a little too large, so I'm going to do it again before I staple the whole thing together. I made the hard parts for this, and the Hartmann mask, out of a box that a sweater came in at Christmas. I think Mrs. Warthog was saving it to give someone a birthday present. Too bad.



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Apparently, the spikes make it difficult to see detail on the planets. That is why every time I mention problems seeing detail on the planets in certain places, somebody brings up apodizing masks. So, I finally got it into my thick head to make one. I just hope I can replace the back door now before Mrs. Warthog notices the screen is missing from her screen door... :?

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