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New Skywatcher Power Tank 7 charging help requested

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Hi folks,

So my Power tank has arrived and there is a sticker on the outside that says initial charge for 24 hours. In the manual it says initial charge for 14-16 hours and do not overcharge it as there is an explosion risk!

The green "Fully Charged" LED light has come on after 5 hours.

I'm confused whther to unplug it now and whether it will suitable to be able to finally set up my GOTO tonight. My favourite short distance spot has 3 hours of clear skies predicted tonight and I'm eager to get out and use my new scope to its full, glorious potential.

Many Thanks in advance


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If it's brand new give it a full 16hr charge - I set mine on charge this morning and the green "ready" light appeared after 5 or 6 hrs. If it's a 17amp/hr battery that should be enough with out fear of explosion. Keep an eye on how warm it is and the warmth of the charger throughout.

Forget using it tonight though cos any deficiency in voltage will either not work - or it'll send the mount crazy doing wierd things and you'll not get it working right. It has to be used with a fully charged battery delivering the correct voltage. Hth :)

(They usually arrive with a little charge in them initially to stop them going dead)

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Hi Dave,

I have a Skywatcher Powertank 7 (un-modified) and I've left mine on charge for days at a time ( forgot about it :shocked:  )  and the thing didn't get hot or burst into flames. As Michael has said if your charging from a normal socket they should be safe as they have cut off safety system.


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