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All-Sky recordings

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I'll use this thread to dump links to any (possibly interesting) previous nights All-Sky records. This is last night's offering 10-11th Aug dusk until about 2:30am and 2 days prior to the Perseid peak. Not many Persieds recorded, perhaps half a dozen and jsut one bright one. Loads of other stuff going on though, mostly satellites, Iridium flares, ISS fly-overs, and of course a few aircraft. This vid was recorded using FireCapture @ 3sec frames continuously, the post-processed using VirtualDub to 20fps and H264 CODEC, then crippled by YouTube by further compression...(sorry about that). Best to watch in a darkened room in full screen with HD selected :-)

Date and Time can be seen top-left and is accurate to +/- 3milliseconds.

The one bright Perseid at 23.19.05



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Bright fireball from last night, I wouldn't like to attempt to estimate the magnitude but the glowing ionisation trail lasted for at least 30 seconds (as a video record). I'll upload the overnight video later.

These are three x 3sec frames in sequence, you can see ionisation trail that was left behind.





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So this was the night of the Peak of the Perseids, and against expectations it was clear all night with the exception of a slow-moving but thin band of cloud which passed over at one point. There were quite a few meteors recorded but to be honest, after all the hype I was expecting more. Things were still popping as dawn broke and maybe we missed the most intense part of the shower. Below are a few example screen caps, and at the bottom the all-night video, this time slowed down a little to 15fps instead of 20fps (which means the whole thing lasts some 8minutes or so).

This was the star of the show, and it left a glowing train lasting 30secs or so:


But there were many others too:





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