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Sky x & gamepads

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Hi all, a hopefully simple query here.  I have been playing about with driving my Sky-Watcher N EQ6 mount with THE SKY X   , and have been having much fun and amusement. I have it set up with the mount directly connected to the serial port on the computer, NOT going via the hand control, ( which I know is an option. ) The obvious drawback with this, is that as the EQ 6 has no knobs for manual slewing and fine adjustment, this has to be done via the software, this is not easy if I am attempting to look down the eyepiece at the same time !!!  In his excellent book on astrophotography, Allan Hall describes a computer game , wireless,   game control handset as being the best way to do this.  This all sounds fine until I look to buy said game pad, and then discover that there are about 2 million of them to choose from !!

So my query is simple, Is there a gamepad that others have found works well, without breaking the bank ? Rather than just sticking a pin into the list as a way of choosing, it would be good to know that Joe Bloggs uses this gamepad and it works well for him.

Having asked my question I will now sit back to await replies. Wouldn't it be great if five people replied, all suggesting the same gamepad.  (  Sound of hollow laughter. How likely is that then !!!)

Thanks Chaps & Chapesses.     NEIL

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I brought an x box wireless controller from Game I think it was about £30.00

Well worth it as you can wander round the Obsy look through the eyepiece and make tiny adjustments as well as stand in front of the PC to do the same. Mine runs through EQMOD as I have an eq5 mount with motors.


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