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ccdsharp problems opening image files.

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Hello all,

I goty back yesterday from a days imaging seminar with Ian King and Nik Szymanec. Nik gave a demo of CCDSharp and it was given to us on a disc....just what I want I thought and rushed home to give it a try.

Unfortunately....I can only get ot to open image files that haven't been stacked. I remember that Envisage also has this problem.

It doesn't make any difference what the image format is...fits, jpeg, tiff, bmp, 8 or 16 bit....none of them will open if they are stacked images.

I've tried 2 different machines, a vista machine (I installed using xpsp2 compatability mode) and a native XP machine.

Both will open single fits frames direct from the camera but not stacked images.

Can anyone help....I'd love to get this program to work ;)



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OK, sussed it.

When saving a FITS file, rather than saving as a floating point file, you need to save in 16 bit integer format.

Hope this helps anyone else.....the SBIG website was no help at all!!



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Aha, thanks Rob. I've had the same problem and got round it by saving as an SBIG fit. They obviously use integer rather than floating decimal point.

A bit of a pain to loose data at this stage. Better to convert to integer after stretching but the deconvolution is supposed to be done 1st

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Hello chaps,

Martin2....maybe we did meet? I was looking at the Atik filter wheel in the first break and chatted to a few people there, and asked the question at the end regarding RGB batch conversion in Maxim.

A day well spent, very informative.

Martin, yes, it is a pain losing the floating point so early.

Do you have any tips re. settings in CCDSharp?



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