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AR2371 Animation help please


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Hi I have 190 frames of AR2371 flaring & would like some advice on the fastest way to do this.

I have only done 2 before & my workflow is murderous as follows :-

Load into AS!2 & process in batch mode, loaded into GIMP as layers, I have set the top layer to Darken (so I can see a marker to align to under the layers), manually align the layers one by one then export out as an animated Gif file.

A few problems first though, I have an un aligned file (my fault and easy to sort), I didn't take a flat file but tried one other from a previous capture same day & it worked DOH! (so reprocessing now).

What I want is to be able to do is :-

1) align automatically

2) colour all images

What is the best process all round using Gimp & PS or just one ?

The time before I loaded 20 frames to animate into PS as a stack to colour & align them as I find PS easier but I cant then save them out again as single frames or can you ?

I really need some info as the anim looked amazing to me, there seemed to be 2 (at least) 'explosions' under the suns surface making the area very dark for a short period & I am interested to find out what causes this.

Guys in the Solar channel are waiting & I hate letting people down.

Any advice & help would be much appreciated.

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