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flextube query

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Hello all. 

I am currently using a flextube scope (1500mm F/L) with a pd1 and 0.52 reducer. I was looking to go down to a 4.3 reducer but lack of back focus restricts this.

So I tried sliding the head of the scope in a short distance to give more back focus, quick recolimation and I thought ready to go. However I just could not get rid of smear on the view, see the image here. http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/246172-tonights-the-night-of-the-final-test/

If you look at the stars to left of the image they are quite sloppy I tried focusing using a mask but for some reason it just would not focus correctly and just seemed for want of a better description and little smeared or slurred.

I was thinking that maybe the head of the scope was slightly twisted and this is causing the slur but still allowing collimation!

Has anybody else come accross this issue with a flextube or heard of it.


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