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Struggling to get anything outta my img132e.

Installed the driver and ezplanetary/firecap/webcam program pick it up and the light is on but I can get a picture up on anything so im guessing driver problems or the cam is stuffed (purchased 2nd hand).

Running windows 8 and 7.

Any suggestions pls guys ??

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do the programs recognize the camera, you might just need to adjust the gain or speed to show an image ?

How are you setting up ? is it attached to a scope , or just trying indoors ?

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Firecapture should display the name of the camera, if it does try it on the Moon with Gain tuned up and slew the scope a bit you should find the edge to focus on.


You can see if its working indoors just by placing your hand over the end it should go dark / light

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if he pointed it at a book case it must have had some sort of lens on it , the img132 needs to be put in place of an eyepeice on the scope.

Turn the gain up and adjust speed until something shows

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