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New Focuser for 150mm newt & Barlow ?


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I am in the market for a new focuser for the 150mm Newtonian and while I'm at it throw in a new barlow as I'm fairly sure something should perform better than the stock SW x2.

Now as much as I would like it a moonlight is out of the question just because of the price, I don't really want to spend any more than 150EU but if pushed can go to no more than 200 if I sacrificed the barlow.

I'm sure I have looked into it before and there was a cheaper Lacerta product that may of been alright and of course there is SW Dual speed Crayford which looks so-so but it would have to be an improvement somewhat?

I do prefer the look of the Low profile version as it certainly looks better made but then that say it's for larger aperture scopes than mine, in fact that seems to be an issue with a lot of the better made focusers that they are for larger scopes. Is it just the mounting that is the issue and with the right mounting plate it should be fine or is it a travel and focus thing?

Am I missing something that would be fine to use on the 150mm tube or are the SW and Lacerta option the only two options I have in my price range?

Now not having used anything other than the stock SW x2 and a Talx3  I figure upgrading my x2 should give me better performance. Ideally I want a barlow for Solar, Lunar  and planetary imaging.

The TelVue x2 achro at 131eu is probably at the top of my price range, I know TV are excellent and would be tempted to just get that straight off the bat but the other two I would look at are the Celestron X-cel and Vixen DX both slightly cheaper and both are Apo's so really my question is purely from an imaging standpoint what if anything will be the difference between the achro and apo barlows?

So any recommendations or is there anything else I should consider?

I honestly don't know as I have never used more than the basic kit that I have and would prefer not to go into it completely blind, I definitely don't want to return something.


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I upgraded to a standard SW 10:1 focuser via the classified ads.

It was a big improvement. 

I can't help with the choice of kit.

But the 10:1 focuser upgrade is a "must do"

If you go for the SW low profile, you should be able to place packing or spacers between the focuser bolt holes and the tube to correct for the smaller curvature on the 6-inch tube.

There is a low profile SW in the classifieds on page-2.

The standard height SkyWatcher 10:1 will fit the 6" OK.

And the Revelation 11:1 version description states it is suitable for 6-inch tubes.


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The 15euro base plate will work (with longer screws)

The dual speed focuser I bought second hand via the classifieds came from a 300p originally.

It is exactly the same as the 150p / 200p focuser, with a backing plate and longer fitting screws.

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Ahh, so I will have to source longer screws too. It never ends. :D

Thing is my wife has asked what I want for my birthday so I want to make sure I have it right.

At this stage then it looks like the Low profile focuser and base plate, no need to complicate matters more I guess.

As for the Barlow, well I'm just thinking aloud here but the TV is probably the way to go on that too, surely 2 elements will be less of an obstacle than the 3 in the others?

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As for the Barlow, well I'm just thinking aloud here but the TV is probably the way to go on that too, surely 2 elements will be less of an obstacle than the 3 in the others?

For imaging you'll need a telecentric Barlow, I guess. IMO, the number of elements is less important than the flat field provided by a telecentric. The TV Powermate is quite expensive, but there are cheaper but high quality alternatives like the ES Focal Extender or this Bresser SA Barlow, you may want to look into them. If you'll want to use the Barlow for visual observations the last two have as an advantage a removable negative element on the bottom which being screwed into an eyepiece works like ~1.7x regular Barlow.

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Revelation focusers are extremely good value , I would be aiming at this one myself ...  :smiley:


I use their SCT focuser on the back of the Mak180 and it's great , accepts a SW motor too with a bit of fiddling and a new bracket.

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For imaging you'll need a telecentric Barlow, I guess. IMO, the number of elements is less important than the flat field provided by a telecentric. The TV Powermate is quite expensive, but there are cheaper but high quality alternatives like the ES Focal Extender or this Bresser SA Barlow, you may want to look into them. If you'll want to use the Barlow for visual observations the last two have as an advantage a removable negative element on the bottom which being screwed into an eyepiece works like ~1.7x regular Barlow.

Something I hadn't thought of before now to be honest, as you say the Powermate is out my price range so I was maybe under the impression that something half the price will be half as good and the TV achro would possibly be as good or better but in doing some reading the Bresser seems to be a good option and I have found a decent price on one.

That has given me something to think about.

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Revelation focusers are extremely good value , I would be aiming at this one myself ...  :smiley:


I use their SCT focuser on the back of the Mak180 and it's great , accepts a SW motor too with a bit of fiddling and a new bracket.

I wonder if the same base plate will work, probably. I guess the thing that I like with the SW one is it should accept the motor with minimal fuss.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just an update as I seem to be finding conflicting info re the low profile focuser.

The base plate linked above apparently is not compatible with the SW focuser but I was informed that it comes with an appropriate base plate. We shall see I guess.

Also I have settled on the Bresser SAx2.

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I fitted the revelation duel speed low profile to my 200p and had to drill new holes in the tube, but a great focusser for the money. you may also need an extention for some of your eyepieces to come into focus.


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