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Suitable Carry Case for Takahashi FC-100DC?

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Does anyone know of a case suitable for carrying a Tak FC-100DC? The internal size must be at least 30 inches long, and approximately 7 inches wide and high.

I'd prefer a padded and sturdy soft case, but will consider a hard case as long as it's not too heavy - the scope only weighs about 7 lbs.

If you know of anything that would bit the bill, it would be great to hear from you. Also, if you can let me know where I might by the case in question, that would be very helpful too.

Many thanks, Paul

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Many thanks for that Steve. It's rather on the heavy and large size for my requirements. I really wanted something for strapping the scope on the car back seat for short trips. I have a large robust case myself (which came with another scope) that I could probably press into service if I needed something more robust. I'll keep the link though - just in case!

Thanks again.

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