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Canis Majoris


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Hi folks !

Quick question. Canis majoris in Stellarium is said to be 1120 light years away. On Wikipedia it says 3900 light years. I mean .. thats a few kilometers of difference. Which one is more accurate in your opinion ?

Thanks guys

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One will be lightyears the other will be parsec's.

1 lightyear = 0.3066 parsec approx.

So 3900 Ly = 1195 Pc

There will be a spread of distance values as every so often someone comes up with a "better" measurement of distance and it take a while for any update to filter through if it does filter through.

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SkySafari shows Sirius as 2.63 parsecs (pc) or 8.58 light years which is the closest in the constellation but all the others are much further away, and at varying distances


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I mean the Canis Majoris star, the red giant. In my stellarium program it says 1120 light years, not parsecs. Then I went on Wiki to know more about the star, and it really says 3.900 light years.  I made sure at first I was not mistaking with Kiloparsecs and LY.

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It looks like you've got the wrong star selected in Stellarium, it should be HIP 35793, not 33856.

There may still be some variation but see what it says for that

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