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Help saving a 32bit image in PixInsight

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So, no i have met a strange issue.

I restacked my first widefield image no that i have picked up som tricks and have a preview of pixelinsight.

I tryed to be smart and saved the image as 32bit rational .tiff in dss, and started editing it. I was happy to see that i did capture some interesting stuff near the Cygnus constellation.

It was an attempt at a "Milkway" shot and is the best one i have so far, but when i trie to save it from Pix i just get a blackish picture with nothing much else.

If i trie to take a screenshot of it i get something but saving to .tiff, .png or .jpg i just get the black picture.

Anyone know how to fix this?

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If i save the picture as a file [.png, .jpg, .tiff] then i can not open it in any applikation, not even Pix.

If i save the Pix "desktop" as a project i can re open it and it's intact. Seams that it cannot be converted, but if i take a screen capture i get the intact picture "in low resolution".

I have seen earlier that Pix has the possebility to save .tiff as 32bit so i figured it could save a 32bit as 16bit, but it looks like i'm out of luck.

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Here is the picture as an exaple

This dark one is what i get when i save


And this is more or less what i have in Pix. (screen capture)


It's by no means a perfect picture, but it would be nice if i could save it. Could give it a new go with a 16bi stack :)

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